With the weather feeling more like summer than spring this weekend I decided to take a break from work and head to Bude to see a friend and while I was there attempted to do some surfing photography. Though while the air temperature may have felt more like summer than spring the temperature of the sea certainly did not! As usual I braved the surf with my camera and was standing up to my waist in it and having to jump over the waves to keep the camera dryish in order to get closer to the surfers. The surf however did not want to play ball and wasn’t great which lead to not many surfers managing to get up on the waves and this is obviously problematic for getting pictures of them! But thankfully the surf kayakers were being more successful and enabled me to get these pictures. Unfortunately while the weather was lovely it wasn’t great for pictures due to being very directional harsh light that I was almost shooting into which was also mixed with a very hazy day, so these are what I managed to make of the time I spent in the water.