Today was certainly a plan c day, but it turned out to be a great day out. During the week I was trying to find someone to go to Scotland with me for the weekend, however all my regular partners were busy so it didn’t happen. In order to make the most of the good weather I then made plans with Neil to head up to the Peak for the day on Saturday to do some rock climbing. However early on Saturday morning the weather forecast changed to be for rain in the Peak, due to this we had a lie in and went climbing locally instead. The main slab at Portishead Quarry is a fantastic looking bit of rock, which surprised us both and once we arrived we were very keen to start climbing. Due to the aspect of the rock and surrounding quarry we were in the sun and sheltered from the wind which was fantastic as it meant that we could climb in base layers in January which was fantastic. We started up Pharos (HS) which was straightforwards but lovely climbing and a good warm up as. Read the full article…