Having visited Hamburg last year we were keen to return to eat more fish and see a concert in the Elbphilharmonie. I also had unfinished business with a certain classic photo of Hamburg which I hadn’t been able to get last time due to the energy saving measures imposed at the time, meaning that the even lights in Hamburg were not on at the time.

The trip was wonderful with plenty of good food and we still had lots to see. The concert in the Elbphilharmonie was great, however unfortunately I was still unable to get “the photo” that I was after due to building works. Oh well, we will just have to visit again.


Normally getting nightscapes requires some form of effort, however in this case neither of my viewpoints did. The first was from our hotel room, so we simply walked back down to our room on the 11th floor from the cocktail bar on the 20th floor, where I hid behind a curtain and captured this wonderful scene looking over the Landungsbrücken, the Elbe and the Elbphilharmonie. The second viewpoint was from the Elbphilharmonie looking back in the direction of the hotel directly after our concert, so again required no effort!

Blue hour in Hamburg
Blue hour in Hamburg
View from the Elbphilharmonie at night

Sunset from the Elbphilharmonie

The interval of our concert was timed perfectly for sunset, which was a surprising bonus, I had even managed to fit my camera, a few lenses and my tripod in a shoulder bag that they didn’t insist that I put into the cloakroom, so I was able to make the most of the situation and take some low effort sunset photos.

Sunset from the Elbphilharmonie
Sunset from the Elbphilharmonie
Sunset from the Elbphilharmonie

Hamburg Harbour

On the first day we headed straight out on the city boats for a trip down the harbour, as we already had our 49 euro tickets these were free. It wasn’t the most photogenic conditions but I was still able to capture some photos of the working harbour that I was not able to get last time.

Hamburg Port
Hamburg Port
HVV boats on the Elbe

Hamburg Fish Market

Last time we missed the classic Hamburg fish market as we were not there on a Sunday, so following a late night after a wonderful dinner, we got up early to head to the market. It was a good experience and it was a shame that we couldn’t buy anything as we were staying in a hotel and travelling back by train. After being amazed by the wonderful fish and fruit&veg at the market, we found ourselves in the building where at 9 in the morning there was a band, beer and dancing which was certainly a surprise.

Hamburg Fish Market
Hamburg Fish Market
Hamburg Fish Market
Hamburg Fish Market

Cycle down to the Alte Harburger Elbbrücke

Having spend a few days exploring the city we decided to hire some bikes and head down the the south to explore some of the countryside around Hamburg. This was a wonderful cycle with interesting bridges, a lighthouse, countryside, thatched cottages and a windmill, which we finished by cycling through the Alte Elbtunnel.

Alte Harburger Elbbrücke
Alte Harburger Elbbrücke
Alte Harburger Elbbrücke
Alte Harburger Elbbrücke
Leuchtfeuer Bunthaus
Windmühle „Johanna“