With another day of good weather I decided to head out again, although I was not so sure it was a good idea when my alarm went off at 5:45! It was another cold clear morning and the drive past Kochelsee was spectacular as the (relatively) warm water interacting with the very cold air to make it look like it was steaming. We had decided to head up the Simetsberg, which was a relatively short day with only 1000m of ascent… Days are not every really short here! The ascent was mostly in the woods, and with the covering of snow made it a bit slippery in places. We had a few chances to look at the stunning view when there were breaks int he cloud, and it was clear it was going to be another spectacular day. After a decent climb we broke out of the woods, and were able to take in the brilliant views. The final climb up to the summit was very warm, but we were treated to a brilliant view, although I think it was actually better part way up than from the top. After. Read the full article…