Blog Posts in Category: Equestrian

Hunting with the North Herefordshire Hunt

On Saturday evening myself and David from Vero Photography were booked to shoot the North Herefordshire Hunt ball in the evening  so we decided to go along to the hunt (hound exercise and trail hunting) in the aim to get some more business and have some fun while we were up there. I have hunted all my life on horse back but we discovered that it is a lot harder to follow the hunt on foot, especially when you don’t have a four wheel drive car, my poor focus went to places that it just should not have been! The weather was stunning on Saturday though with the low autumn sun this lead to very contrasty light which made photography very difficult as it was hard enough keeping up with the hunt, let along making sure the sun was on the right side relative to us and the hunt! Though the warm weather due to the sun did make it a much more pleasurable experience at least! Overall it was a great day out and we learnt a lot about following the hunt on foot and we are looking forward. Read the full article…

NHHPC Indoor Showjumping

On sunday we were attending the North Herefordshire Hunt Pony Club’s indoor showjumping event at Kings Equestrian Center with David from Vero Photography running the print station. The day involved 12 hours of pretty much straight shooting which is ok in itself but when you mix it with running around after horses to get them over as many jumps as possible it starts to get very tiring! It was a great albiet tiring day which over the whole day may have ended up with en excess of 3000 photos being taken! Though we are looking forward to returning on the 19th December with a few improvements from the lessons we leart this time, including a seperate viewing station so my assistant does not have to manually show people every image they want to see and can focus on printing!