After a very successful trip the week before last, I headed back up this week with a bit of a questionable weather forecast. On the first morning we woke up in Glencoe to a warm, wet and windy morning so decided against going up into the hills. After all, your willingness to suffer is always lowest on the first day! After lots of sitting in the Nevis Sport cafe and reading the weather forecasts, we decided to take a bit of a gamble and head up to the north west to have a look at Penguin Gully on Beinn Dearg. This was due to there being less snow up there, an overnight thaw before a freeze from the early hours. Overnight I kept being woken up by the rain, which seemed to be going on for much longer than it was forecast to, and hadn’t really stopped by the morning. However, after a day sitting doing nothing we weren’t going to be deterred so headed up the long walk in up to Beinn Dearg. It was pretty wet to start with which meant that it was a morning to be. Read the full article…