Cockpits of the RAF’s Fast Jets

Due to various reasons recently I have not had time to do all that much photography and have not done any low level photography since October, so I have been spending some spare time re-processing some low level photos from this summer just to focus in on the cockpits. Thankfully in a week I spent in Snowdonia and the Lake Disctict photographing them at low level in June I had passes from all three of the RAF’s fast jets at the time, the training version of the Harrier Jump Jet the T12, The GR4 version of the Tornado and FGR4 and finally the training version of the Eurofighter Typhoon the T3. Though now unfortunately the Harrier Jump Jet has been retired from service so this is the last time I ever saw one.

GB Cave

To end a great December I headed to the mendips to go caving for the new year and due to needing to recover only got underground on new years eve.  We headed to a cave called GB which is full of massive chambers and has a fun while fairly short trip around it.Thanks to all the extra water from the melting snow the waterfall actually had some water flowing down it which is a change to the last few times I was there.  GB is full of some amazing formations though they are usually hanging from the very high roof which makes photographing them very difficult and in an effort not to take too long I did not even try.

“Wonderful” Christmas Snow

Well with the second batch of snow in under a month cancelling my second job in 2 weeks due to the snow and horses not being able to compete when the ground is all frozen and covered in snow I have been trying to make the most of it for pleasure purposes as although it is a pain it does make for some stunning scenery, though unfortunately there has been no more snowboarding (Snowboarding in Bath). So during Christmas week I went walking with my family and family friends around the Cotswolds which were stunning in the snow. Then for Christmas I headed up to my Gran’s with the rest of my family which is where the horses are kept so I went out into the fields while they were exercising them there as the roads were too icy to go out on and finally on Boxing day we went for a very atmospheric walk in the snow covered Malvern Hills with our cousins. And thankfully the snow now seems to be thawing extremely quickly, with tropical temperature of 9 degrees at home today!

Snowboarding in Bath

With all the snow that has hit the UK recently it has converted many places to look more like ski resorts than British cities, with Bath being one of them.With this in mind,  a friend and I decided to do some snowboarding in a field literally right next to his house! Unfortunately without the creature comforts that real ski resorts supply in the form of lifts up there was a lot of walking and the occasional begging on people with cars to get to the top.From the photos it is hard to tell that these were actually taken at the outskirts of a city in England at the start of December! The photos were very fun to take and running down icy slopes camera in hand was an interesting experience!

Snowy Bath

Yesterday I headed into Bath to see a friend from school and Bath was covered in snow, so much snow that we actually went snowboarding (these pictures will appear in a later blog post). Shortly after I arrived at his house it was pointed out that a pair of deer were at the opposite side of the field next to their house, so in an attempt to get my first wildlife pictures of an animal other than a bird I hastily changed lens and “stealthily” ran across the field to get as close as I could before spooking them, unfortunately the one that was hiding in the bushes was more timid than the one in these photos and got spooked and ran away causing the one out in the open to follow suit! Then later in the evening after it got dark we went for a wonder around town and near Pulteney Bridge and came up with these two cityscapes, unfortunately the photo of the bridge it’s self did not come out as well as I had hoped as the weir was not lit up as it often is, though. Read the full article…

Winter Wonderland

This weekend I was up in the Brecon Beacons and unfortunately it had warmed up so most of the snow had gone but I was caught out by the trecharious conditions walking to the waterfalls that are near Ystradfellte, as the paths were covered in ice and made walking very difficult, but it was worth it as when we got to the waterfalls there was still a large amount of ice left which was a stunning site. I just wish that I could have been there last week when it was a long way below freezing as I think that the waterfall would have been even more spectacular!

Yorkshire Caving

This weekend was the annual meet up of lots of university caving clubs, and this year it was up in Yorkshire at the Dalesbridge Center. It was a very cold weekend with snow forecast but we decided to go caving anyway and headed up to Gaping Gill. I went to Gaping Gill with a specific photo in mind, but overlooked the fact that it is winter up north and it gets dark early so when we got to main chamber it was dark outside which was fairly disappointing but I tried to make the best of the situation and came up with these photos. It was so cold outside that the waterfall that is normally the main waterfall was barely flowing due to the water at the top freezing and all the water coming down the waterfall that is normally the smaller of the two. This also meant that when we left the cave the hour long walk back to the car at -3 degrees was a fairly cold experience and our caving oversuits froze while they were on us!

Hunting with the North Herefordshire Hunt

On Saturday evening myself and David from Vero Photography were booked to shoot the North Herefordshire Hunt ball in the evening  so we decided to go along to the hunt (hound exercise and trail hunting) in the aim to get some more business and have some fun while we were up there. I have hunted all my life on horse back but we discovered that it is a lot harder to follow the hunt on foot, especially when you don’t have a four wheel drive car, my poor focus went to places that it just should not have been! The weather was stunning on Saturday though with the low autumn sun this lead to very contrasty light which made photography very difficult as it was hard enough keeping up with the hunt, let along making sure the sun was on the right side relative to us and the hunt! Though the warm weather due to the sun did make it a much more pleasurable experience at least! Overall it was a great day out and we learnt a lot about following the hunt on foot and we are looking forward. Read the full article…